来館のご案内 Visit
開館時間(事前予約制) Opening Hours (Advance reservation required)
月曜~金曜: 13時~17時半(最終入場17時) Monday-Friday 1:00pm-5:30pm (last admission 5:00pm)
閉館日: 土曜、日曜、祝日 Closed: Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays
入場料(税込) Admission fee (tax included)
一般・大学生 1,500円、高校生 900円
Adults and college students: 1,500 yen
High school students: 900 yen
中学生 500円、小学生 保護者同伴(無料)
Junior high school students: 500 yen
Elementary school students: free of charge (must be accompanied by parents or other adults)
20名以上は団体割引適用(2時間制) Group discounts apply for groups of 20 or more people (2-hour service)
ご予約方法 How to make a reservation
- ・来場代表者のお名前
- ・来場者の人数・属性(大人など)
- ・来場希望日および時間
If you wish to visit, please contact us at museum@kazen.co.jp at least three business days before your desired visit date.
When you reach out, please provide the following information.
The office will then reply with details on how to pay the admission fee.
- ・Name of the main attendee
- ・Number of attendees , Category (e.g., adult)
- ・Preferred date and time of visit

アクセス Access
東京都千代田区東神田1-5-6 KAZENビルディング 1-5-6 Higashi-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo KAZEN Building
電車でのアクセス Access by train
・JR総武線快速「馬喰町駅」都営新宿線「馬喰横山駅」都営浅草線「東日本橋駅」2番出口より徒歩3分 ・3-minute walk from Bakurocho Station on the JR Sobu Line Rapid, Bakuro-Yokoyama Station on the Toei Shinjuku Line, and Higashi Nihonbashi Station on the Toei Asakusa Line (Exit 2).
・JR総武線「浅草橋駅」東口より徒歩7分 7 minutes walk from East Exit of Asakusabashi Station on JR Sobu Line
・東京メトロ日比谷線「小伝馬町駅」2番・4番出口より徒歩6分 ・Six-minute walk from Exit 2 or 4 of Kodenmacho Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
・JR山手線・京浜東北線「秋葉原駅」昭和通り口、つくばエクスプレス「秋葉原駅」A1出口より徒歩10分 ・10 minutes walk from Showa-dori exit of Akihabara Station on JR Yamanote Line and Keihin Tohoku Line, or A1 exit of Akihabara Station on Tsukuba Express.
・JR中央線「神田駅」東口・東京メトロ銀座線「神田駅」1番出口より徒歩10分 ・10 minutes walk from East Exit of Kanda Station on JR Chuo Line or Exit 1 of Kanda Station on Tokyo Metro Ginza Line.
自動車でのアクセス Access by car
・一方通行が多いので、東神田交差点よりいらしてください。 Please come from Higashi-Kanda intersection as there are many one-way streets.
・駐車場はございませんので、車でお越しの際はお近くの有料駐車場等をご利用ください。 There is no parking available. Please use a nearby toll parking lot or other parking facilities when coming by car.
お問い合わせ Contact Us
電話:03-5687-2102 Contact: Phone 03-5687-2102
メールアドレス:museum@kazen.co.jp Email address: museum@kazen.co.jp